
Recensies, contactgegevens voor CDE-ICHEC : Conseil des étudiants de l'ICHEC

CDE-ICHEC : Conseil des étudiants de l'ICHEC


Official page of the ICHEC Students Council. You'll find here all the informations about our actions, activities and promotions on the campus.


As a reminder : the CDE is a non-lucrative association that represents the students in their everyday lives and that makes your ICHEC experience more enjoyable.

We deal with several activities and services, in particular : the International Fair, the Carpooling, ICHEC sweaters and trainings, blood donation, Icheclife.be the website where you can find the best courses summaries, the officials sport teams, and many more!!!

Moreover, we sponsorise activities from others associations, we try to provide new facilities on the campus and we deal with the administration.

Lots of goodies to win, new students to meet and other cool stuff to keep you entertained!

Adres: 365a, Rue au Bois, 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe
Stad: Woluwé-Saint-Pierre
Route: 365a, Rue au Bois
Postcode: 1150

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