Recensies, contactgegevens voor Caterpillar.KOMATSU
"Antwerp Diesel Repair is the Authorized Marine Dealer for Caterpillar and John Deere in the Port of Antwerp, Belgium. We are specialised in services for fishery vessels, inland shipping, dredgers, ocean going vessels, workboats, tugboats, pilot ships and offshore suppliers.The services that Antwerp Diesel Repair provides are supplying and installing complete propulsion systems, or energy solutions for offshore. Besides that ADR of course provides fast and professional repair, maintenance, overhauling and repowering services for propulsion engines, gearboxes, auxiliary engines, hydropacks and generator sets.Other brands that we supply are: LeRoy Somer, Stamford, Mec Altte, Twindisc, Reintjes, Masson, ZF, VM Motori, Doosan and Danfoss"
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