
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Carine Depret

Carine Depret


Photographer based in Hoeilaart specialised in studio and environmental portraits, and events photography (wedding, communion, anniversary,...).

"Just like you, I love taking notes. I grew up in Belgium, where every kid uses an Atoma notebook to take notes at school. This famous disc-bound notebook was invented in 1948, and is especially successful among kids and students. The loose leaves that can be rearranged endlessly make it the most convenient notebook, as you can use just one notebook for several classes.Along the way, we discovered that the aluminium sandwich panels are a great substrate for UV-printing or engraving. In combination with the various colours of discs and covers it offers the opportunity to personalize the notebook in many, many ways. Feedback from friends and family led to developing the notebook as a commercial product: Netobook was born."
Adres: Willem Eggerickxstraat 33, 1560 Hoeilaart
Telefoonnummer: +320476929777
Stad: Hoeilaart
Route: Willem Eggerickxstraat 33
Postcode: 1560

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