
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Caracal Studio

Caracal Studio


As a digital creative firm, we could say that our DNA is made up of some key components
like technology, media, creative, project management and fresh idea


Caracal wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for its founder Antoine. Antoine was born in the eighties and caught the tech virus in the nineties. He received a book about Flash from his dad on his twelfth birthday and that was the turning point of his life (yep, that’s young!): he started learning everything tech- and design-related by himself. When the time came to chose a professional orientation, he started the Saint-Luc Brussels graphic design school and started working as a freelance graphic designer right away, in 2013.

From graphic designer, he started tinkering with all the related technologies to expand his offer over the years, mostly through self-education. At some point in 2015, sleep depravation and his recent coffee addiction made him realized that yes, it was time to start growing the team. He started working more and more with Baptiste, until he hired him in March of 2016, making him his very first employee!

Caracal is an agency of passion and precision, organically grown since the very beginning thanks to its founder’s vision. We’re always aiming for perfection and leave nothing to chance. And we can’t wait to work with you.

"Caracal is a development agency and digital consultant specialized in web, digital transformation, digital strategy and branding.We conceive, design and manage high quality web and mobile applications for businesses but also drive as a technologically innovative company in the context of everyday evolving digital space.We aim to deliver solutions to our clients that meet their needs while prioritizing the fluidity of collaborative processes."
Adres: 12a avenue brugmann, 1060 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32 2 218 15 43
Stad: Brussels
Route: 12a avenue brugmann
Postcode: 1060

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