
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Callewaert Vanlangendonck Collection

Callewaert Vanlangendonck Collection


On a unique location with a courtyard next to St James’s Church, Callewaert-Vanlangendonck Collection shows important artworks dating from the postwar era. While the two other galleries (Wolstraat 21-23) will continue to host temporary exhibitions combining modern and contemporary artists, the Collection will have a slightly more permanent display.

Since starting Callewaert-Vanlangendonck in 2012, gallery owners Yoeri Vanlangendonck and Brecht Callewaert have been collecting abstract art of great significance. The gallery’s collection is a good resemblance of a valuable part of Belgian art history. All key artists of the Belgian post-wart art scene are represented.

By organising exhibitions around various themes, the collection gets the chance to be shared with the public, with works which sometimes rarely have been on public display before.

The location has also a symbolic value. With Rubens's grave only a few meters away in the church, modern masters are suddenly closely connected to the old ones. This refers to the eternity, universality and timelessness of art and beauty. Creating a space where those three elements can live in harmony is one of the main purposes of the Callewaert-Vanlangendonck Collection.

Adres: Sint-Jacobstraat 17, 2000 Antwerpen
Telefoonnummer: +32475926724
Stad: Antwerp
Route: Sint-Jacobstraat 17
Postcode: 2000

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