
Recensies, contactgegevens voor BVSR ABEC Belgian Studentriders

BVSR ABEC Belgian Studentriders


BVSR - ABEC is the official studentriders association of Belgium. Students from 17 till 28 years old can participate in several national and international equestrian events. Every student that can ride is welcome to join us!


BVSR - ABEC is the official studentriders association of Belgium. Students from 17 till 28 years old can participate in several national and international equestrian events. The only thing you need to do is be a student on secundairy school or higher and pay an annual fee. Once a member you can stay a member till the age of 28.

Members can ride for free on serveral events organised by BVSR/ABEC. Every year there's a Student Riders Nation Cup (SRNC) in Belgium where we compete against other countries from everywhere in the world. But throughout the year there's a national competition with the finals at Jumping Mechelen.. the Student Fun Cup. To participate in Mechelen you need to get an election first! Since equitation is more then showjumping alone there're are also other events, like an eventing in Genk!

Since we are studentriders, there're also a lot of several other activities apart from the riding.. From a BBQ to an after-horse-party, you're student-soul wont get bored!!

Stad: Bilzen

Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Urlaub Urlaub 4 km Elektronisch muziekfestival
Bavo Beverst Bavo Beverst 8 km Geweldige scouts
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