
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Boussu


Boussu is a Walloon municipality in the Belgian province of Hainaut. As of January 1, 2006, Boussu had a population of 20,058. The total area is 20.01 km², which gives a population density of 1,002 inhabitants per km².HistoryDuring the late middle ages the town gave his name to an important branch of the House of Hénin. The castle of Boussu was contructed in this period, and important members of this family are buried inside the church.In the 19th century local industry expanded. A planned industrial city, called le Grand Hornu, was constructed. Located in Hornu, the buildings are now a museum.Famous inhabitantsMarcel Moreau, writer

Adres: Boussu
Stad: Boussu

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