
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Bobonne Records


Independent record label and recording studio


Bobonne Records aims to record and publish music from local bands and artists, while also supporting the visual arts.

Our HQ is located at our late grandmother's house in Ekeren, where we are in the process of building a studio. This house also forms the backdrop for the sound and projects we are aspiring to put out. In essence, we create music with a strong connection to the records we used to love growing up. However, rather than just get lost in nostalgia, we focus on the truthful reflection of the record, its musical and narrative essence, and the atmosphere and time in which it was created.

Bobonne Records is a platform for local bands and artists who look to record in a safe and inspiring environment (it's our grandma's house, for christ's sake) with top-notch equipment at fair prices and with little time restriction.

As a rule of thumb, we choose to publish on vinyl -- and MP3, it's the 21st century thing -- because we consider it the most comprehensive way of returning to the vivid event of physically putting on and listening to a record. Also, it provides visual artists with a bigger canvas to display their work on and create the record as an actual artefact.

While we are working hard to get the studio up and running by the end of Summer, we are ecstatic to announce the release of Matt Watts & The Calicos' debut-album "Wayward Wind", the first Bobonne Records production, to be released in February 2013.

We'll keep you posted.

love peace soultrain


Telefoonnummer: +32474549988
Stad: Ekeren

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