Digital Performance Marketing Agency - Adwords Expert, Analytics Addict, SEM minded, Focused on ROI - Certified Google Partner
"blue2purple is an independent Belgian Brand Performance agency.We deliver your brand's story to your target audience, no matter on which platform they are. Because if a brand wants to excel, it has to perform through its communication on all its media channels.Instead of translating your marketing plan starting from an offline media approach and then translating to an online plan, we prefer to work the other way around.We believe in reaching your audience online with personalized messages for each platform and then work your way up the funnel and see how data can help you bring this message on the different offline platforms. Online and offline need to be coming together as communicated vessels."
Adres: Avenue Louise 523, 1050 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Tess h.
2 km
Vertaald door Google Ik heb deelgenomen aan de workshop "Create your magic stick...
Vertaald door Google Supermensen en Beste Agentschap Origineel Super people and Best Agency
Vertaald door Google Heel professioneel. Uitstekend werk efficiënt gedaan. Dankjewel. Origineel Très professionnelle. Excellent travail réalisé avec efficacité. Merci.
Vertaald door Google Goed bureau met consequente aanpak. Origineel Good agency with consist approach.
Vertaald door Google Zeer professioneel team en attent voor hun klant! Bedankt blue2purple! Origineel Equipe très professionnelle, et à l'écoute de leur client ! Merci blue2purple !
Vertaald door Google Huis van legendarische digitale marketeers! Origineel Home of legendary digital marketeers!
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