
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Belgian Land Component


The Land Component is the land-based branch of the Belgian Armed Forces. The current chief of staff of the Land Component is Major-General Marc Thys.For a detailed history of the Belgian Army from 1830 to post 1945 see Belgian Armed Forces.Ranks in use by the Belgian Army are listed at Belgian military ranks.Organisation 1870sAccording to the Law of 16 August 1873, the army was to consist of:Infantry14 regiments of line infantry (three active battalions, one inactive and one company in each regiment depot)3 regiments of Jäger (three active battalions, one inactive and one company in each regiment depot)1 regiment of grenadiers (three active battalions, one inactive and one company in each regiment depot)1 regiment of Carabinier (four battalions active, 2 inactive and 1 depot company of deposit)2 companies settled1 discipline body 1 school of children troop Note: a battalion (864 men) consists of four companies of 216 menCavalry4 regiments of lancers (4 active squadrons and one reinforcement in each regiment)2 regiments of guides (ditto)2 regiments of Chasseur (ditto) Note: a squadron had approximately 130 horsesArtillery4 regiments of artillery (10 batteries in each regiment)3 regiments of fortress artillery or siege artillery (16 batteries, 1 battery and 1 spare battery depot in each regiment)1 pontoon company 1 company of artificers1 company of gunsmiths1 company of artillery workers Note: A battery has 6 guns

Adres: Leopoldsburg
Stad: Leopoldsburg

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Belgian Army equipment, Defensie België materieel, Belgian Army tanks, Materieel Landcomponent, Belgisch leger voertuigen, Landcomponent voertuigen, Landcomponent Defensie, Belgisch leger eenheden
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