
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy


The Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy is a Belgian federal scientific research institute. Created in 1964, its main tasks are research and public service in space aeronomy, which is the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere of the Earth and other planets, and of outer space. The scientists rely on ground-based, balloon-, air- or space-borne instruments and computer models.HistoryOn the 25th of November 1964 the Aeronomical Service is separated from the Royal Meteorological Institute and lives on as a scientific institution of the state with the name: Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy . In 2014, BIRA-IASB celebrates its 50th anniversary and gains its royal statute. On this occasion, the Institute gathered 50 important events in its history.The institute has as main competence, tasks of public service and research in the domain of Space Aeronomy. BIRA-IASB mostly works with data acquired via rockets and artificial satellites for research to the physical and chemical structure of the higher atmosphere and extraterrestrial space. The first director is M. Nicolet.ActivitiesBIRA-IASB focuses on Chemistry & Physics of Atmospheres and Space Plasma Physics designs and builds instruments to monitor atmospheres and the space environment operates Belgian experiments on board the International Space Station and other satellites participates in international measurement programmes compares observations with numerical simulations to validate and improve our knowledge turns scientific know-how into services to the benefit of society disseminates this knowledge through publications, web services and public outreach.

Adres: Ukkel, Brabant, Belgium
Stad: Ukkel

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