
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Be Love, Be Light

Be Love, Be Light


Return Home to Your Self Today!

Lindsey Curtis is here to guide & empower you in embodying all that you are, while living a vitality rich life in alignment with your radiance.


Years ago I started scribbling in my notebook 'Be Love, Be Light. I am Love, I am Light.' This mantra led me onto my path of self love, acceptance and expression. We are spiritual beings having a human experience; within us is the life force, chi, prana, source, the unifying energy that powers all.

I, Lindsey Curtis, am here to create space that supports you upon your journey of reaching deeper within to your source, to your core, to the love that you are. Let us cast off the shadows and debris that we have carried for years; let us disengage our armors and open our vulnerable hearts.

May we all be Love, may we all live in Light.

Stad: Brussels

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Tree of Life Festival
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