
Recensies, contactgegevens voor BARÚ



Dark and pure, rich and honest, crazy and wonderful… as long as it says BARÚ on the outside, you know you’re in for a delicious treat.

Onze taak

BARÚ is all about creating authentic delicacies which are fun, novel and carefully crafted, true to our Belgian chocolate heritage. We like to keep things simple, honest and natural by selecting the finest ingredients and avoiding added flavors, colors and long ingredients lists with names no one understands.

The best chocolates are little bites of happiness and we want our packaging to express just that. An array of crazy-bad-wonderful typefaces blended with lots of funky vintage colors and quirky design elements will bring a smile to your face.

Sweet cocoa beans in heaven, bring it on!

"Here at Barú we love to dream up dazzling creations. Made for people with curious minds like ours, we call them chocolates with extra.We love making fabulous sweets for you. Thanks to the great and enthusiastic team at Barú we're able to do so. Our mad hats are always filled with ideas and we can't wait to show you what's next."
Adres: Industrielaan 4, 3590 Diepenbeek
Telefoonnummer: +3211850560
Stad: Diepenbeek
Route: Industrielaan 4
Postcode: 3590

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