We are CLOSED!!!
BANNINGVILLE A place in the sun for good food & fun
Banningville... A place in the sun for good food & fun
Banningville is a new SUMMER Bar & Restaurant located in a lovely cosy part of the South of Antwerp, at the corner of Emiel Banningstraat and Pacificatiestraat.
Grand opening will be on 14/05/2017.
Feel at home & have a great time at Banningville. It's the perfect spot to hang out and enjoy a lunch or dinner. We will spoil you with MIDDLE EASTERN INSPIRED FOOD and refreshing drinks.
Every sunday: SUNNY SOUTH UP brunch. Breakfast will be served all day long.
Check our website for more activities & music events.
Do not forget to bring your sunscreen when sun is out!
*** If you're looking for a new place to celebrate your birthday or to host an event please contact meredith@bistropompidou.be
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