
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Axel Vervoordt

Axel Vervoordt


Our work concerns a philosophy of life, using beautiful and rare objects as raw material. We believe it is our task to rediscover exceptional works from the entire span of the history of art and decoration, revealing them for their original form and perfection. The expression of their inner soul creates a new harmony between the piece, its new home and its new owner. In order to provide our clients with a privileged and full service, our company works with a group of highly skilled people specialised in 4 specific departments. Axel Vervoordt can rely on a team of 5 art historians when it comes to the acquisition of almost 250 works of art worldwide each month. After the examination of their historical significance, aesthetic importance and intrinsic value, the most important pieces are well documented. This information allows us to certify each item's authenticity and get a profound insight in our entire collection. They also attend international art fairs and provide consultancy in our projects.

These projects are led by an architectural team of engineers, architects, draughtsmen and interior decorators assigned with the creation of spaces and environments, which will not only feel like home but also suit the personality and lifestyle of their owners. We like to give our clients a custom made approach, therefore each member of our architectural team will follow up their personal project from day one to the finishing touch. In this process the client will be involved very closely via meetings with Axel Vervoordt on a regular basis in which they will be advised up to the slightest detail.

For our projects we can fall back on a stock of 13.000 pieces with a wide range of items including panelling, mantelpieces, parquets, ceilings etc… all of which is carefully treated by the restoration workshop. Being a rather extended part of the company these traditionally trained people combine specialized knowledge with respect for the authenticity of a piece. Thanks to these highly skilled craftsmen we can do a lot within the company, from the restoration of antiques to reparation, treatment of marbles, production of libraries, coffee tables etc…

The fourth division of our company are the home furnishings. Based on the third floor of Kanaal this department is occupied with the selection of the finest natural fabrics for drapes, upholstery, carpets and all those other issues where fabrics are essential within a project.
The Home collection is another major part of the activities. Because antique furniture often lacks real comfort, Axel Vervoordt has created his own line of sofas, chairs, tables and lamps. As the fastest growing element in the company this collection is characterized by the mixture of modern leisure and harmonious proportions. Their unpretentious sober design and outstanding craftsmanship endow these furnishings with that timeless quality, which we aim for in all of our creations

The essential part of Axel Vervoordt is that all of these departments are interwoven, they all serve the same goal; offering our client an exclusive and comprehensive service. We like to share beauty and offer quality.

Adres: Axel Vervoordt Kanaal, Stokerijstraat 19, 2110 Wijnegem
Telefoonnummer: 00 32 3 355 33 00
Stad: Wijnegem
Route: Axel Vervoordt Kanaal, Stokerijstraat 19
Postcode: 2110

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Verrassend, inspirerend, volledig geslaagde ervaring. Dank u.
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Zeer mooie locatie.....met prachtige originele gebouwen
Nog steeds fantastisch na zovele jaren....
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