
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Axel Vervoordt Gallery

Axel Vervoordt Gallery


Since 8 March 2017 the Axel Vervoordt Gallery has moved into its new space at Kanaal.

The Vlaeykensgang address where the Axel Vervoordt Gallery used to be situated is the exact same location where Axel Vervoordt presented work by Jef Verheyen in a solo exhibition in 1974. It was during the opening of this event that Vervoordt met Gunther Uecker for the first time and an instant sense of mutual appreciation and curiosity emerged. In addition to representing ZERO and Gutai artists, the gallery also provides a platform for artists whose work resonates and connects as its substance taps into the flow of the universe. The inaugural exhibition shows seventeen works from the Black Rain series by Günther Uecker, executed in 1999, as well as later works. Imbedded in the Antwerp gallery landscape, the Axel Vervoordt Gallery will largely follow the exhibition pattern of the city’s major galleries.

In May 2014, Axel Vervoordt Gallery expanded to Hong Kong and opened its first overseas exhibition venue in the city's central district. El Anatsui created new work for this occasion. By having a physical presence in Hong Kong, Axel Vervoordt Gallery will continue to bridge artistic expressions between the East and the West.

Both locations work closely with living contemporary artists while actively engaging with local and global audiences. We continue to publish monographs on the represented artists and participating in major contemporary art fairs internationally.

Adres: Stokerijstraat 19, 2110 Wijnegem
Telefoonnummer: +32 (0) 477 88 80 60
Stad: Wijnegem
Route: Stokerijstraat 19
Postcode: 2110

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Tentoonstelling Axel Vervoordt, Axel Vervoordt interieur, Axel Vervoordt Kanaal, Axel Vervoordt Gallery Antwerpen, Axel Vervoordt Wijnegem appartement, Axel Vervoordt Vlaeykensgang, Axel Vervoordt books, Axel Vervoordt Kim Kardashian
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