Recensies, contactgegevens voor Association of European Cancer Leagues
ECL is an European umbrella organisation of cancer leagues around Europe. Support our efforts in "Making a Difference in Cancer Prevention and Control!"
ECL is an European umbrella organization of cancer leagues around Europe. Support our efforts in "Making a Difference in Cancer Prevention and Control!"
"The Association of European Cancer Leagues ECL is a non-profit, European umbrella organisation of national and regional cancer societies. Located in Brussels, ECL provides an exclusive platform for members to collaborate with their international peers, primarily in the areas of cancer *prevention, *screening, *tobacco control, *access to medicines and *patient support, and creates opportunities to ADVOCATE for these issues at the EU level.ECL’s VISION is for a Europe free of cancer. ECL’s MISSION is to advocate for improved cancer control and care in Europe through facilitating collaboration between cancer leagues , & influencing EU and pan-European policies.We do not provide medical advice and direct patients to national members."
"The Association of European Cancer Leagues ECL is a non-profit, European umbrella organisation of national and regional cancer societies. Located in Brussels, ECL provides an exclusive platform for members to collaborate with their international peers, primarily in the areas of cancer *prevention, *screening, *tobacco control, *access to medicines and *patient support, and creates opportunities to ADVOCATE for these issues at the EU level.ECL’s VISION is for a Europe free of cancer. ECL’s MISSION is to advocate for improved cancer control and care in Europe through facilitating collaboration between cancer leagues , & influencing EU and pan-European policies.We do not provide medical advice and direct patients to national members."
Adres: Chaussée de Louvain 479, 1030 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
op zoek naar gerelateerd: European Code Against Cancer, European Week Against Cancer, European Oncology Nursing Society, Ecl patient support working group
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