
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Arkite NV

Arkite NV


Arkite Human Interface Mate (HIM) provides our customers the ultimate virtual assistant. HIM guides operators in the manufacturing industry by analyzing all human and machine operations and act real-time. HIM prevents errors before they even occur and thus guarantees first time right procedures.

"Arkite transforms workstations into a digital and interactive environment by:- Guiding your operator with Augmented Reality instructions- Validating your operations with our embedded smart-sensor- Integrating your eco system to create smarter workstations- Converting your manual operations into knowledgeable information"
Adres: C-mine 12, 3600 Genk
Telefoonnummer: 003289201745
Stad: Genk
Route: C-mine 12
Postcode: 3600

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