
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Archipelago architects

Archipelago architects


We blend simplicity and sensitivity in contextual architecture that is carefully thought out - for you, for others, and for the future.


archipelago: creating contextual and sustainable architecture to better live, care, work and learn – we bring life to your projects with a unique and sensitive methodical approach, a touch of ingenuity and the collective expertise of an inspired and committed team.

[ architects ]
Based in Brussels and Leuven, archipelago brings together more than 100 inspiring and inspired employees with varied and complementary skill sets. Active on national and international projects, we develop customised and integrated solutions, from the beginning of a project to its realisation.

[ approach ]
We place sustainable development and user experience at the centre of all our thinking. That's why we always ensure the right balance between proven technical expertise and innovation, designing quality spaces and creating an optimal environment.
Our ideas and our vision are refined and developed in contact with others. Our international collaborations and the views of our foreign partners are a real source of intellectual enrichment and inspiration for our team.

[ advantages ]
Heir to a long architectural tradition, archipelago is the result of the grouping of baev and ar-te, founded in 1959 and 1995 respectively. This connection pushes us to share our experiences and give life to new projects by bringing a unique added value: a subtle blend of continuity, innovation and creativity, always at the service of present users and future generations.

[ adventure ]
We support this solid expertise with our thirst for learning and the enthusiasm of our team. We naturally make it a point of honour to create a harmonious working environment for them, just like the projects they work on every day.

We operate collaborative management, and we want to offer everyone concrete opportunities for personal development within archipelago.

Our doors are constantly open to enthusiastic minds, new ideas and passionate creatives to ensure the longevity of our practice in an ever-changing profession.

Telefoonnummer: 016508000
Stad: Leuven


Maandag: 08:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 08:00 - 17:00

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