
Recensies, contactgegevens voor And What Besides Death

And What Besides Death


Supports Dance, Somatics and Embodied Philosophy in Antwerp, Belgium


AndWhatBeside(s)Death supports performative projects by Louise Chardon & Christine Sollie.
The main elements in our research are sensitivity and intimacy into performing arts.
The performances we make can be defined as sensory experiences: through the senses and the massive memory that is stored in them, as well as the great imagination to them inherent, we try to reach other layers in the beings witnessing our art. More than to affect, we want to move. More than to excite, we want to embody.
Intimacy is perhaps the best definition for what we want to create. Our performing art is not situated at the main square, but in the “chambres séparées”, where people can open themselves to each other, face-to-face, body-to-body. For us, intimate is in the first place irrational, undefinable, a sort of fluid that becomes touchable by, through its sensitivity. Intimacy transforms borders. It invites the spectator to look inward, into their own formlessness.
Since 2012, AndWhatBeside(s)Death co-produces actual works of Lisbeth Gruwez/Voetvolk, Silvia Costa/Plumes dans la tête and other related artists.

Adres: Sergeyselsstraat 42, 2140 Borgerhout, Antwerpen, Belgium
Stad: Borgerhout
Route: Sergeyselsstraat 42
Postcode: 2140

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