
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Altavia ACT

Altavia ACT


Altavia ACT* is part of the international group Altavia, specialised in marketing communication for the retail.


We are a team of 75 people who help you build your communication
according to a user-centered approach.

"We're a Brussels-based creative retail agency with a strong power of realization, from great ideas to seamless execution on and offline. We support brands, retailers and industrial companies in their daily communication challenges, helping them build a true relationship with their customers. We simplify life of our employees through a participative management approach based on collective intelligence. We make life easier for our clients through participative workshops and design thinking processes. We make life easier for our client’s customers, by anticipating the friction points in the transaction process. We simplify sustainable communication for business through a green digital approach, and eco-design proposals."
Adres: Avenue Louise 287 Louizalaan, 1050 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32 (0)2 639 68 68
Stad: Brussels
Route: Avenue Louise 287 Louizalaan
Postcode: 1050

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