
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Alfred Aborga

Alfred Aborga


Mr. Alfred Aborga is a music blogger who is looking forward to bring some hope to the up and coming artistes in Ghana. Music Lover and a Cartoon freak!


This page is created to point out the unsaid or what most people wont say because they will be tagged with the "Hater" word. It's not all about the negative sides but also to acknowledge the positive things happening in the entertainment scene. I LOVE to be called a hater and as a blogger/Critic for LoudSoundGH, this is where I can unleash the facts behind the big picture... I say POSITIVE stories SELL too! Welcome to my world...

Adres: 9050 Gent
Telefoonnummer: +32488099096
Stad: Gent
Postcode: 9050

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The Messy Chef The Messy Chef 2 km Elke week heerlijke, nieuwe recepten geschreven met saus aan de vingers en met de nod...
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