
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Air Cargo Belgium

Air Cargo Belgium


As the air cargo community representation, ACB (Air Cargo Belgium) strives to make BRUcargo the most attractive, efficient, innovative and successful logistical platform.

On behalf of airlines, handlers, forwarders, the airport authority and other stakeholders, we set out strategic and ambitious goals for the development of air cargo. We put in place procedures for improved operations, take the lead in projects and we get in contact with all stakeholders and government agencies to address topics of common interest. We do this by a strong community cooperation and approach.

"Air Cargo Community organisation"
Adres: BRUcargo 706, 1830 Machelen, Brabant, Belgium
Stad: Machelen
Route: BRUcargo 706
Postcode: 1830

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Air Belgium Cargo, ACB BBQ, Cargo Air, BRUcargo news, Cargo Brussels Airport, Air cargo tracking
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