
Recensies, contactgegevens voor AGNES School, Bilingual and international school in Brussels


Agnes School is an international catholic School in the heart of Brussels. Nursery, pre-primary and primary students have the opportunity to follow the program in our double dual-language program by immersion. (English and French) / (Dutch and French)


Agnes School is an independent international school with Nursery, Pre-Primary, and Primary departments. We offer a double bi-lingual curriculum (English/French or Dutch/French) in the Pre-Primary and Primary departments which follows the curriculum of the Cambridge Primary Programme (CPP) and the Belgian accredited programme

Agnes School aware of the need to ensure a continuity between the education at home and that in school.
The initiative for this project originates from a group of catholic parents. The school welcomes all families, catholic or not, who share the same educational project/vision.

The pedagogical and educational project of Agnes School is based on three pillars:
- Bilingual teaching by immersion
- A tailored all-round education in collaboration with the parents
- Christian values

Bilingual teaching by immersion is introduced as early as in the pre-primary classes in either French/English or French/Dutch. As from pre-primary classes the Dutch-/ French- and English- speaking teachers each teach at pre-established alternating times in their mother tongue.

An all-round education must take into account the different aspects of each individual, be it intellectual, human and/or spiritual.

Sound knowledge, combined with an analytical spirit and a solid ability to summarise gives children the right foundations to structure their thoughts and to correctly address the challenges they face in higher education.

The children are encouraged to give their best in a positive pedagogical environment by focusing on their strengths and human qualities. In the "coaching" context, put in place by the school, each pupil regularly receives tailored objectives that help them develop further in aspects either related to school- or social- life. These objectives are always identified and followed in partnership with the parents who will always remain the principle actors of their children's education.

Christian values are a guarantor not only for a child to flourish but also to mould their future adulthood by allowing them as free and responsible citizens to contribute to, and build, a better and fairer society.

Although the educational project is coherent with the teachings of the Catholic Church being Catholic is not a requirement in our school. The school is open to all families that share its educational project.

Adres: Rue Louis Hap, 143, 1040 Etterbeek
Telefoonnummer: (+32) 2.736.13.86
Stad: Etterbeek
Route: Rue Louis Hap, 143
Postcode: 1040


Maandag: 08:00 - 18:00
Dinsdag: 08:00 - 18:00
Woensdag: 08:00 - 18:00
Donderdag: 08:00 - 18:00
Vrijdag: 08:00 - 18:00

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Opus Dei School, Brussels American school, Internationale school Brasschaat, Antwerp International School, Montessori House Brussels
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