
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Advocatenkantoor Mister Wolf

Advocatenkantoor Mister Wolf


Why Mister Wolf?

Probably because lawyers aren’t always sharks.


De missie van advocatenkantoor Mister Wolf is om cliënten te ont-zorgen. Wij hebben kantoren in Halle en Brussel. Volg ons voor interessante updates.


Why Mister Wolf?

Probably because lawyers aren’t always sharks.

We deliberately chose a wolf as a symbol for our practice and office. Wolves are extremely fast and strong, their senses always sharp. Loyal and dedicated to their goal. Dominant? Sure, but without being aggressive. Wolves rarely attack. Confrontations are unlikely and happen only when there are no other options left.

This approach has proven to be successful. In no time, we achieve the requested results for our clients. Now and then in court, but mostly without going to trial. We all know that going to court is time and money consuming. That’s why we often try to settle by finding an acceptable compromise. There we create added value. Through open communication we obtain results, quickly and accurately. A truly no-nonsense approach, typically Mister Wolf.

Adres: Vandenpeereboomstraat 66-68, 1500 Halle
Telefoonnummer: 023316148
Stad: Halle
Route: Vandenpeereboomstraat 66-68
Postcode: 1500

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