
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Acrobat Festival

Acrobat Festival


Acrobat festival is a new born do-festival where we try to connect people together and with themselves. Through experiencing circus in a honest and open way, what you see is what you get.
Training, show, party and a pinch of craziness are the ingredients


Our festival aims to connect people closer to all forms of the circus. A bit further into the circus world and community. A true look and experience behind the circus curtains.
Where music and training blend seamlessly into good shows and fun.

On Monday the 9th of July 2019 we're starting up the festival with professional training classes in Straps and Acrobatics. Jonathan Fortin and Raphaël Perrenoud will be our guest teachers. These class are called the 'Live' circus section and will be open for professionals and semi professionals. You can subscribe for these classes through our e-mail ([email protected])

Thursday the 11th of July the convention and show section af the festival opens it's doors to the bigger audience.
We're starting up the workshops in two sections, 'Experience' circus and 'Develop' circus.
The 'Experience' ticket is designed especially for beginners and people who have never been in contact with circus. Two workshops of 60 minutes and acces to one circus show is what you get.
The 'Develop' ticket is a ticket for four days of circus training, shows party and other madness. This ticket gives you acces to 11 workshops of 90 minutes and 4 circusshows. A ticket for the infected circus lovers, the tricksharing-hardcore-training-lions of the circus.

Adres: Sint-Bernardusabdij 1, 2620 Hemiksem
Telefoonnummer: +3233370840
Stad: Hemiksem
Route: Sint-Bernardusabdij 1
Postcode: 2620

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