Antwerp branch of the world's largest university-based consultancy. We work with socially conscious organizations to help them overcome their challenges.
The Antwerp branch became a member of the 180 family in June 2015. We are motivated to use our entrepreneurial mindset and the knowledge we acquired throughout our education to better society by increasing the effectiveness of socially conscious organisations.
Many non-profit organizations face a wide array of financial and organizational constraints. Oftentimes they miss out on expensive services that large consulting companies provide. By working with teams of carefully selected students we are able to provide high quality, uniquely affordable consulting services. This way we connect the untapped capabilities of university students with the unmet needs of socially conscious organisations.
As a 180 DC consultant you get a unique opportunity to gain practical experience in real-life projects that matter while working with other like-minded individuals in an inspiring atmosphere.
Be part of a young, vibrant organisation! Apply by filling out our application form:
Furthermore, we work with several organizations to help them overcome their challenges and increase their social impact. If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us at
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
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